So I can't dump Trump.
Well that was a hell of a thing, wasn't it?
I know you're probably electioned out. We all are. Enough so that roughly two out of every five Americans didn't even show up to vote Tuesday, according to the United States Election Project.
I don't want to write another hot take on the subject. Frankly, this week has been rough so I've barely absorbed things. I know. That's on me. But I'm not really a journalist anymore. This is a personal blog and I'm tired.
But I did go back and re-read my article about Trump from last summer with the perspective that he is the president-elect. Reading it, I think about the wave of intimidation I felt from him and his supporters as I stood in that press pool at the rally. I think about other groups that Trump has targeted since.
At that rally, we were over a year away from the election. I didn't think he would be the nominee, let alone win the thing. The room was intense but I knew I could escape that place. Walk away. Go home. But the people he's targeted, and subsequently some of his supporters have targeted, don't have the luxury of escaping that anymore. This is their reality. Our reality.
Sorry. I probably re-wrote this a half dozen times. It's just... I've seen first hand that he's a bully and that like any good bully he incites a mob mentality for other bullies. It sucks the bully won. It sucks a bunch.
I've seen a couple pieces about how this is the chance for us to take care of each other. Oh, sure, be sad or angry initially, but then take action. Join groups that support your causes of choice. Be proactive. Engage. Could the next four years be what shakes 43% of Americans out of voter apathy? Maybe. But Americans are overworked. We don't sleep well at night. Just to name a couple non-political cultural issues that extend beyond the dude that shows up in DC in a few months.
I don't know, guys. I just know I'm pretty bummed out. But I plan to stand with those who need support. Because I don't want to be like the bully.